(212) 502-1804
Mon - Fri 11:00AM - 7:00 PM. Sat/Sun Closed
469 7th Avenue, Suite 601 Midtown West Manhattan New York, NY 10018

Creation by Addition

When it comes to our health, most of us believe in order to become healthier we need to take things away from our life. We look to change our reality by subtracting instead of adding. For instance, if you want to lose weight what is the first thing you think of doing? Eating less. Or taking out something bad. What about if you reverse this thinking and focus on adding something good to improve your health, or creation by addition. Add something healthy to your diet. Do something for your body everyday that will help it function better and last longer. Do something for your mind everyday to practice gratitude instead of focusing on negative thoughts. This is how we can bring about relevant, lasting change. Our office offers multiple services all geared to try and help you get healthy and be healthy. These services include:



Medical Massage

Physical Therapy

Vitamin B12 injections

Vitamin D3 injections

Traumeel injections

Call today to schedule a consultation. 212-502-1803 or at www.healthcarechiropractic.com